Slay The Spire Remake [PC Game]

This project is a litteral remake of the game Slay The Spire. Slay The Spire a rogue-like card game were you fight monsters using card in your deck and upgrade over time to find more and more powerful monsters.

A decent chunk of the original game is remade in Java using images and rules from the original game, with more than a hundred cards and dozens of monsters.

PlatformAny computer OS (needs to compile)
Last modificationJune 2021
Development toolsJava, Swing

Creator’s note

This was a student project, the goal was set by my university. However, I decided to make way, way more than what was asked, just for the fun of it, including smooth movements, displaying the combat actions step by step like there’s in the original game, and making sure everything gameplay-related is exactly like original game.

Although I have done many student projects that are not featured on this website, this is probably my biggest one yet.

For legal reasons, no downloads are available.
